I am Andrzej Polok.
Project leader, consultant, adviser
I kindly invite you to visit my website, and be familiar with what i do.
I have a passion for what I do
Service minded, always inspired, always 100% committed to the tasks entrusted to me.
Otherwise there is no point in that.
Have a look at About me and Contact me to experience what i mean by that :)

Good planning
Plan, analyse, discuss and document. This helps to understand the issue better, and be open for changes and updates if needed.
Good craftsmanship
Solutions are not made itself magically. But even god craftmanship without planning can very fast be usless.

Good teamwork
Get people work together in the way they feel comfortable, useful, and productive.
Everyone is different, and thats what makes the thing even more interesting.

Power of experience
Experience verifies theory

Project leading
There is nothing more interesting in project leading, than people involved

Arrange a Meeting
Those who asks, never stray,